Singing Guide: Johnnie Ray

Singing Guide: Johnnie Ray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Johnnie Ray was an American singer, songwriter, and pianist, known for his unique voice and passionate performances. Born in 1927 in Oregon, he became a national sensation in the early 1950s with hits like "Cry" and "The Little White Cloud That Cried". He was one of the first performers to bridge the gap between R&B and pop music, and he influenced countless singers who came after him.

If you want to learn how to sing like Johnnie Ray, you need to focus on a few key elements of his vocal style. Here are some tips and resources that can help you get started:

  1. Master the art of vibrato - One of the most distinctive aspects of Johnnie Ray's singing was his use of vibrato - the rapid variation in pitch that gives a voice a quivering or wobbling quality. To develop your own vibrato, you can try the exercises outlined in this Singing Carrots article: Singing with Vibrato. There are also several vocal warm-up exercises that can help you get your vibrato going, like the "Beggars Bounce" exercise, demonstrated in this video on YouTube: Beggars Bounce.
  2. Practice singing in falsetto - Johnnie Ray was known for his use of falsetto, which he used to great effect in songs like "Cry". To develop your own falsetto, work on expanding your vocal range with exercises like the ones found in the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test: Vocal range test. Once you've got some control over your falsetto, try incorporating it into your singing by practicing songs like "Cry" and "Please Mr. Sun".
  3. Work on your emotional delivery - Johnnie Ray was known for his passionate and emotional performances, which often included tears, jumps, and other dramatic gestures. To develop your own emotional delivery, try listening to some of Johnnie Ray's most famous songs and paying attention to the ways he builds tension and expresses emotion. You should also practice singing with feeling and using body language to convey the emotional content of the song.
  4. Build your repertoire of classic songs - To really capture the style of Johnnie Ray, you need to master some classic songs from his era. Singing Carrots can help you find songs within your vocal range with the search function: Search songs. Here are a few classics you might want to start with:
    • "Cry"
    • "Please Mr. Sun"
    • "The Little White Cloud That Cried"
    • "Just Walking in the Rain"
    • "All of Me"

Keep in mind that to really learn how to sing like Johnnie Ray, you'll need to put in a lot of practice time and focus on developing your own unique style. But with the right resources and mindset, you can definitely start to capture the magic of this legendary performer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.